1. Continued to play Prince who couldn’t hit anything and played horrendous offense
  2. Played D-Lo almost the same amount of time as AR when D-Lo was a typical cone on defense and 1/8 on offense. Should have never been in the 4th as long as he was.
  3. Used a challenge very early for AD on his 3rd foul in the 1st half so we didn’t have one late in the game where it looked like a much clearer block and AD fouled out
  4. Once AD fouled he put Prince back in the game instead of a legitimate big. The result? Two super easy layups for Sengun that almost put the game to OT. If we go to OT without AD we may have very well lost.
  5. Continues to just run piss poor rotations and lets players play out of control. While Reddish certainly makes good plays he lets our players play with 0 discipline and do whatever tf they want without consequence.

Bottom line is this dude seems to have zero clue what he’s doing and continues to get bailed out by Bron and AD.

  • MiopTopB
    10 months ago

    Dumbass post.

    1. Yeah, of course. Prince is a valuable player and you don’t bench a guy just because he’s missing shots. That’s how you kill their confidence. All of you morons were saying the same shit with Cam. We’d be worse right now if Ham hadn’t shown trust in Cam and let him shoot out of his cold streak. We’re better off with Prince finding his groove than giving up on him.

    2. Same argument. Running your rotations entirely on the basis of who happens to have been cold/hot so far that night is stupid and reactionary. Guys can start 1/7 and then go 3/4, it happens all the time…

    3. AD being in foul trouble is concern no1, trying to get a foul overturned on him early was fine. Again, judging decisions with the benefit of hindsights is the mark of a moron. It’s like saying “oh man, Darvin Ham is stupid, he didn’t bet all his money on 18 at the roulette wheel last night and it rolled 18”.

    4. Neither Hayes nor Wood are good post defenders.

    5. Rotations have been completely fine. Let’s see you fill out a full rotation map before talking shit. Reddish was fine tonight btw.

    Ham was a good coach last year. He’s been better this year. You just don’t know wtf you’re talking about.