Regardless of whether or not you provide your own SSL certificates, cloudflare still uses their own between their servers and client browsers. So any SSL encrypted traffic is unencrypted at their end before being re-encrypted with your certificate. How can such an entity be trusted?

  • spottyPottyOPB
    10 months ago

    a U.S. owned and headquartered-based company - does NOT fall under the purview of U.S. cyber laws

    Cloudflare has full, unadulterated access

    they still have the right to ‘sniff’ and acquire your data

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! That’s exactly my point. Most people on here justifying their trustworthiness because everyone trusts them. Like, hello?

    your ISP still have access to your data regardless if you host it yourself or not

    How so? If you’re running https?