I heard a rumor that the browns are inquiring about King Henry’s availability. I’m not sure if there’s any truth to it, but what do you guys think about getting him?

Personally ever since Nick went down (get well soon 😭😭) I felt like the browns shot at a title or even the conference title went up in smoke. But after watching how elite the defense is, and how they carried us despite how bad our QB play has been. I think it’s a great idea to get a great back to fill in the hole back there. Of course that could be a problem for next year with Nick hopefully back, but Derrick is DEFINITELY a great insurance plan.

Edit: forgot to mention that other teams are also trying to get Tennessee to eat some of Derrick’s contract. So money could be a non factor here.

  • mmooney1B
    11 months ago

    Can’t hurt. He’s is respected enough the defense will have to account for him which could make things easier for who ever the QB is.

    Don’t expect 2020 Henry, but I think he’s still got some gas in the tank.

    I think Cook is cooked.