Recently came back from there for a week. Thought that place was pretty chill, surprisingly so when compared to the rest of China.

I am just wondering if anyone tried DNing there and what you thought about the place?

Note: no political reasons whatsoever please, I hate politics with a passion. I want pure life/work related response please. Thank you.

  • founderscurveB
    10 months ago

    I use a moped it’s fine where I am

    Food in HZ imo sucks overall, it’s a running joke on Chinese internet that HZ is a “food desert”

    Out where I am it’s dirt cheap, gym is 1k rmb for the whole year. We’re right next to the tea plantations and stuff

    IMo pollution also hasn’t been too bad, not like back in the days of 500> AQi, I have had a day where it’s gone over 200 so far.