Are they just smurfing on LPL? The teams other than JDG all looked lost and scared. Especially the Finals, WBG stuck to blue side and played tried and true safe comps. Constantly reacting to T1 plays, they didn’t be proactive for once. Like mouse and cat game.

T1 is just setting the meta and not giving a damn about safe picks. Who plays Lee sin and Yone in finals game 1? No tanks, nothing. Then Nocturne in game 2. Sylas Akali for Faker.

Compared to WBG, who stuck to blue proven side and played safe comps.

T1 just won 3-0 on red-red-red, showing that there’s no side selection advantage. Which is probably why we saw Faker smile during the coin toss game

  • whitedevilbloodB
    10 months ago

    t1 regained their spring form. they were considered the best team in the world in spring by many at the time. they basically warped the kaisa, xayah meta single handedly to bring back the meta that they were strong in

  • JunkwagenB
    10 months ago

    In short, T1 was ahead of other teams. Other teams were just following the meta, but T1 was the meta. T1’s champion pool was way too disverse for any team to match, and simultaneously, all 5 T1 players decided to play to the best of their ability.

    Against LNG, T1 pulled out the ranged sp to surprise and take down LNG. For JDG’s case, Missing was unable to quickly adapt to the ranged sp meta. For WBG, T! knew that TheShy is the main threat in WBG so they let Zeus get the counterpick priority while Oner setup for him. WBG’s mid and bot were unable to directly match with T1’s Mid and botlane