Unbiased 3rd party here, I just watched the Bucs game replay since it seemed like a good matchup. We all wish this guy didn’t miss literally every deep ball he tries to throw, and I’m not convinced he’s anything more than a slightly above average QB, BUT:

God damn it if him SUCCESSFULLY throwing a block on Nick motherfucking Bosa, or lowering his shoulder and busting through contact when running for that 1st down doesn’t hype you up then you don’t love football.

Any QB not built like Allen or Jackson that does that shit gets my dick hard. And any QB that can throw a successful, sustained block on Bosa deserves to get their dick sucked, win or lose.

I just had to show the guy some love. He is just a fun guy to watch and almost impossible to hate even if he makes some egregious mistakes.

  • No-Bluejay-5934B
    10 months ago

    Not sure if this post is shittin on Baker or praising him. He’s middle of the pack in deep ball completion, multiple of his touchdowns to Evans were on deep balls. Not great, but it has been improving. He’s also one of the league leaders under pressure and on critical downs while barely getting help through the run game.

    We’re also still among the best teams in turnovers committed so I wouldn’t say mistakes have been an issue either.

    • shitdamntittyfuckOPB
      10 months ago

      It’s praise to be 100% clear, I love watching this guy play. I don’t know much about his stats or even the general consensus on the man, I just know in this game he missed every deep shot it seemed like so that’s why I mentioned it. You can absolutely win games with Baker.

      I was just really fucking hype seeing this man block Nick god damn Bosa and wanted to fangirl about it lol

  • luv2fitB
    10 months ago

    Mayfield would have gotten us a 4th quarter lead if two perfect TD passes weren’t dropped in the 4th quarter. We can win with him. However, while too love his toughness, I don’t want my QB bulling for extra yards and taking shots. It will eventually get him injured.