Hey everyone, just floating a hypothetical here, so hear me out before the downvotes start rolling in. I’m not saying we’re definitely going to win against the Dolphins this Friday, though I’m keeping my fingers crossed since I’ll actually be at the game. But just for the sake of discussion, what do you think happens if we pull off a win? It’d be very Jets-like to do so, but I’m curious about your thoughts. What do you think the narrative will be if we come out on top?

  • mikerhoaB
    10 months ago

    In order for us to beat Miami, a defense who just got humiliated on the road (and mocked in the tunnel afterwards btw) would have to pitch a shutout against an elite offense on a quick turnaround. And the Dolphins would have to be sloppy and undisciplined to an extreme degree.

    It’s not impossible, but about as likely as you and me hitting the lotto on the same day.

    Point is, Miami is a wash. It’s one of those games where you can’t take anything away from it because winning would be so much of an aberration that it would really be impossible to gauge properly.