I personally liked the drx/deft story better but both had so many different little things like;

-Barely scraping by regionals subbing in and out jg
-Being a 4th seed winning it all the way from playins
-Deft beating his former teammates
-Beating the previous years champs, lck champs that had their number all year, the GOAT and his org
-Incredible mental with the inhib respawn and winning game 5 finals
-Defts last dance

-Faker injury and t1 going 2-8 (series) without him
-Being runners up in 2022 msi, 2022 lck summer, 2022 worlds, 2023 lck spring, 3rd in 2023 msi, 2023 lck summer
-T1 beating all lpl teams to win
-Last lck team in semis
-Stopping JDGs golden road
-Faker winning in Korea
-Highly Possible chance of this rosters last dance

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  • ahritinaB
    10 months ago

    Would have preferred DRX’s if they didn’t push a false narrative about it being Deft’s last dance whereby he came back the next year as well.

    But T1 with the whole, them looking dogshit without Faker, getting slammed by Gen.G, then looking bad vs TL plus all the finals losses, then being the last LCK hope then stopping the golden road then killing all the LPL teams, with T1 winning in Korea and the roster probably blowing up takes it slightly for me.