Hello! I am a physician working with a nonphysician friend on dipping our toes into telehealth. We plan to offer urgent care type visits in two states, NY and FL.

For anyone that started this I just wanted to get an understanding of some basics so I can ask better questions to our attorney.

  1. In NY I know the business needs to be under a PC; can the non-physician be part owner, or does it need to be 100% the PC? Conversely, can a shell LLC own the business, but contracts to the PC to provide the services?

  2. We plan on starting cash only with competitive prices while we start before we undertake the behemoth of insurance billing. We have a system to store HPI / patient data. Even though technically HIPAA does not apply we plan on acting as it is. Any suggestions for a low volume HIPAA compliant platform.

  3. Any suggestions on e-prescribing services?

  4. Any other tips or pitfalls for those that have done this?