… she posts again “joking” about him looking at other women. Her jealous, controlling, reactive, emotional manipulation is nothing to “joke” about. I really find her inability to attempt any self growth or modicum of maturity odious, offensive and intolerable 😒😑💀 Rather than reflecting on her bad behavior, she doubles down and acts like a defensive, oppositional, defiant toddler. At least Jasmine can, at times, acknowledge her harmful words and actions and approach some psychological awareness / insight. Mary is much younger than Jasmine - she isn’t showing much hope for self reflection / insight oriented change but I truly hope for the sake of her children that she can grow emotionally- at least a little.
I’d really enjoy seeing them both take up professional miming. They can do all the same stuff, just wear the clothes and face paint. It would increase the quality of their videos tenfold and then they would learn a skill they can pass down to midnight or the monkey.