The game got amazing reviews everywhere but to me it feels (so far) like a solid 6.

The story isn’t scary and it even feels goofy at most points how everyone just accepts all the bizarre things going around like >! how at the start Nightingale kills 3 officers in the morgue and the sheriff disappears and everyone at the station is working business as usual, and the FBI agents don’t report that there were several gunshots and officers dead !<

Pace is ridiculously slow. The mind place is also a pace killer, there is no point in just sticking up pictures in the board and you’re constantly getting irrelevant pictures like the rhymes or the lunchboxes.

Enemies are not scary or interesting, as they’re all just humans covered in fog.

Alan campaign feels overwhelming, they drop you in this huge map where you’re just supposed to go around searching every nook and cranny for upgrades.

A lot of people say the narrative alone make it worth it, but I feel a lot of games achieve great narrative with great gameplay. Alan Wake 2 seems to just have the former.