Hey, sorry this is kind of a newbie question but I have found absolutely nothing that works.

I have a NixOS running with i3 as the window manager. In the NixOS wiki it tells me to use lxappearance to set my theme. So I installed that, no problem. Then I looked and found out, that the theme I want to use, Orchis-theme, has already a package in NixOS, so I installed that as well.

Now lxappearance doesn’t show this theme after installation, most likely because it’s installed in some obscure place in the nix store and not in the /user/share/theme or ~/.local/share/theme places.

My question is now, what is the NixOS way to do this? Ideally I don’t even want to use lxappearance, setting it in the configuration would be the best, but I haven’t found anything showing how to set this up. Some people just copy the theme manually over, but that kinda defeats the purpose of NixOS for me.

Thanks already in advance!