
as the title says, I started to feel concerned about the battery life of my Macbook (M1 Pro) after exactly a year of usage.

It is usually plugged during the day, and I will need the battery once or twice a week (working on battery for a full day).

Though, it’s not plugged 24/7, only when I’m at work (so not during nights and week-ends for example)

When comparing with a colleague that did almost 200 cycles (something like 191), I was surprised to realize that his laptop also is at 91%, with more than a hundred cycles than mine.

Also, when I’m comparing to my GF macbook air, which is only 50 cycles after 2 years, and knowing that she sometimes doesn’t care much about preventing the battery to reach 0% or whatever, that is still at 100%, I don’t really know what to think…

Am I doing something wrong here ?

Did I literally burn my battery or is the total capacity somehow varies depending on what’s happening with it? (like, is it possible that in a week it came back at, idk, let’s say 93) ?

When I’m reading a bit on apple’s website, everyone says it’s normal, but I don’t understand how 2 people could have this much different results
