My husband‘s work is finally allowing him to wear a smart watch. Long story.

For years he has wanted one so that he can track his health stuff but mainly, his sleep. The past three nights that he has had this watch, this is what he’s been getting:

My watch (series 8 45mm SS) gets this information:

(The last two days for me I had to input the information manually because I fell asleep before putting my watch back on from charging it 😩)

Is there something he needs to specifically do for the Ultra 2 to track his REM, deep, etc. sleep? He set up his stuff in the watch and health apps the same way I have.

Thanks in advance!

    • @wyliec22B
      18 months ago

      I’ve used AutoSleep for years - works great.

      You can tweak it to most accurately record the time you’re in bed and how much is awake, light sleep, moderate sleep, deep sleep. It will automatically record a nap if I happen to take one during the day.

      I usually charge my watch in the morning while having coffee and showering. It is on my wrist at all other times.

  • @O667B
    18 months ago

    The sleep feature used to drive me nuts - it was inconsistent.

    I’ve found that it works better since I turned off ‘sleep schedule’ and started to manually turn on ‘sleep focus’ when I go to bed.

  • @DoomhammeredB
    18 months ago

    Is his watch on his wrist tight enough? I have the Ultra 2 and works fine for me

  • @Soundwave_irlB
    18 months ago

    Sleep tracking is kinda buggy, apparently you need to set a fixed sleep schedule and it’s only tracking inside that scheduled. when I didn’t set one up but activated sleep mode manually it didn’t track my sleep. I’m super disappointed at how bad the setup is :/

  • @LaketechB
    18 months ago

    Switch to Autosleep. I’ve been using it for years and it works really well. It’s fully automatic, no sleep schedule or sleep focus required.

  • @TheSwampPenguinB
    18 months ago

    Yea, the Sleep Tracking on AW is … lets be nice and say severly lacking. Having to put it in a sleep schedule/focus is just dumb. I’m sure Apple Executives and their little schedules can sleep and wake at the same time every day, but the rest of the world doesn’t work that way.

    I don’t wear any device to sleep, and I don’t need one to tell me if I slept well or not. If I cared about sleep tracking, I’d whip out my very old Fitbit from my junk drawer. Sleep Tracking is one area that they have always run circles around AW in.

  • @bananaMonkey798B
    18 months ago

    Hello, had this same issue on my ultra 1. I fixed it by deleting my sleep focus under setting and sleep schedule under the health app. Restarted both devices and set up the sleep focus and schedule again. Worked for me, your mileage may vary.

  • @Purple-Sun-5938B
    18 months ago

    My memory is hazy but it took a while (a week?) for it to calibrate to you and start tracking

  • @colonelcatB
    18 months ago

    Make sure the “track sleep with Apple Watch” is on.

    Some people have a schedule set up so the native app will automatically track sleep.

    For better accuracy, some people manual turn on sleep mode before falling asleep then turning it off once they’re awake.

  • @rps411B
    18 months ago

    Probably not your issue, but just in case: If he has more than one apple watch as I do, I have found I have to go into the watch app and select the watch I am using for sleep tracking and then the health app will populate with the detailed sleep data. If I don’t do this I will never see the detailed sleep data show up in health.

  • @Daunt13ssB
    18 months ago

    Does he have another focus that may be interfering with the sleep focus? Just a shot in the dark but when I’m not going to bed yet and turn off my sleep focus(so I don’t have to keep holding crown), I swap to Personal for 1 hour, and then it automatically goes back to sleep. But I’ve noticed if I just turn sleep off, and forget to turn it back on before actually falling asleep, it doesn’t track correctly.

  • @ReneDickartB
    18 months ago

    It sounds like all the settings are correct, so I would suggest simply powering off the watch and turning it back on. Make sure it’s updated also and hopefully it will sort itself out.