It feels like 8/10 times the bot lane with senna gets stomped pretty badly. Usually the adc is tilted because he was the meastshield of senna in lane and is far behind the enemy adc. Senna, if anyone got kills, got the kills after the jungler ganks, and usually the adc died.
So after laning phase usually the adc is useless like senna and the rest of the team has to carry midgame until bot lane caught up.
If this is the case and the game isn’t just snowballed to win, chances are decent to win.
In my experience games often snowball after one bot lane got crushed.
I’m a fill player in plat and my win rate with senna in my team is ≈40 % in 20 games. She is the worst support together with Seraphine.
So my stats kinda reflect my feelings about senna.
Why do people play senna in low elo when there is lux/ashe/zyra/xerath that have a higher skill floor and kind of do the same job?
I experienced senna being insanely strong but only if she was played by >emerald ppl in flex.