Not a shill. I grabbed this for PC on the XBOX app for 60% off. Same sale for the xbox and PS. 13 hours in and actually loving it.

Never got it at launch because of the bad reviews. The big complaints were performance and the main character was annoying. The game is now technically excellent, better than most actually. Looks gorgeous, runs smooth. and load times and fast travel are almost non existent. The world reminds me a lot of Elden ring where it is not like earth but not freaky spacey either. I like the main character and there is now an option to turn down or off the banter that cheesed a lot of people.

The story and world building/lore are excellent, getting right into this. Combat and open world exploration are top notch as well. Skill tree and crafting are middling as far as not too complicated. But the spells are fun, got AOE, CC and ranged stuff as well as shields and buffs.

I have not a single issue or complaint with this title and am enjoying it a lot. Looks like they pulled a no man’s sky/Cyberpunk and rescued this from the suck. There is a demo out but I think it is still 1.0. XBOX has a 14 day refund policy, I’d strongly suggest you give this title a try.

This is a polished AAA title now for sure.

  • ArchDuckyB
    10 months ago

    Forspoken isn’t a very good game. Stop lying.