Well here I am currently watching the 2023 Guangzhou Autoshow on youtube and I am amazed at the quality of the evs at the show. I am also in awe how fast China is electrifying their auto fleet.

BYD surpassed Ford in total sales earlier this year and they only sold 500,000 car in 2019. BYD also said this: demolish the old legends


BYD, Xpeng, Nio, MG, Geely, GAC are all expanding rapidly into South America, Europe and South East Asia.

These companies are topping the sales charts in the South East Asian markets.

Kia Australia boss says Chinese car brands will be in top five shortly.


I’m kind of concerned for our current auto brands dragging their feet.

  • stav_and_nickB
    10 months ago

    Ignoring everything else; I’d expect at least two Chinese brands in the top 2 eventually as China develops based purely on population size. The last 200 years were basically an anomaly and China will probably reclaim it’s usual place as a major economic centre of gravity. Imo it already has to an extent

    Besides that, I’m not surprised because the entire western automaker strategy for a long time in China was rather lazy. Because domestic brands were so weak, VW et al could upcharge incredible basic features that they had already developed

    Naturally, that strategy couldn’t last forever. Heated seats aren’t exactly cutting edge tech. It was inevitable that Chinese OEMs would eventually develop things like that and rather than proactively fight that many foreign OEMs only reacted once it was too late

  • Smitty_OomB
    10 months ago

    Dominate by 2030? No chance. Considering 2024 models are already out, it’d be at least 2025 at the earliest before some of these would be hitting the US - and in Mexico, where Chinese vehicles seem to be taking off, they still only represent something like 8% of the market after 3-4 years.

  • BonerchillB
    10 months ago

    Doesn’t BYD make underwear?

    Xpeng’s a digital design studio, right?

    Nio’s that stuff you add to water to make it taste like cherries, right?

    MG made cars my grandfather wanted… in 1955.

    Geely’s a character in the new Disney movie, yeah?

    GAC is the sound of retching, or a toy marketed to kids in the early ‘90s.

    How long did it take for Hyundai and Kia to achieve anything worthwhile in the States? 30 years?

    How’s Chinese phone market penetration doing?

    Do any of these brands use tech by Huawei or ZTE?

    Is China even going to allow integration of RoW tech with Chinese cars?

    If our cars already read our texts and know our contacts, do Americans really want that information going to the Chinese government?

    How can an industry already hurting for good technicians train and provide experience to technicians in the next seven years?

    How can an industry already hurting in terms of supply chain logistics absorb several new brands?

  • V8-Turbo-HybridB
    10 months ago

    Western automakers, Japanese, and Hyundai still have time to respond that, not all Chinese automakers would become top 5 best selling brands.