
  1. I received the news this morning that GG won’t be a part of the LCS next year My plan for next year was to play for GG again so as of right now I don’t have a team and will likely not be a starter in the LCS next year, since remaining teams have all locked top laners afaik
  2. I’m feeling a lot of sadness about this, 2024 was going to be my 7th consecutive year playing in the LCS and having that cut short with minimal warning is really tough
  3. GG was a great home for me and I really enjoyed playing for them. It’ll be hard to see them go. I’m really grateful to all the people there who always believed in me, especially, Danan, Swip3rR, SpookzOCE and inero to name a few
  4. Because of this I am now officially LFT for the 2024 year, I am open to all offers and teams/interested parties can reach out by email/discord or just dms. I am also reaching out to Riot to try to figure out options to be involved with the LCS broadcast even if I’m not playing
  5. I do want to add that I am still a big believer in the LCS and I hope that these changes will be positive even though it really sucks right now I want the LCS to be a league that sticks around for a long time so I will always support changes that help make that possible
  6. I was in the best form of my life this last year and I will be working hard to maintain that. I’ll be practicing and playing a lot so that I’ll be ready to compete whenever the opportunity arises

Crazy how one of the best top laners in the LCS maybe even the best got completely shafted. Lines with the recent LCSPA statement about the news being last minute.

  • mybigredtruckB
    10 months ago

    Every roster was built by the time those teams left. Sucks so hard for the players.