Remember when we celebrated going .500 a few years back? Just GETTING to the playoffs? Knocking out the Stoolers twice, and vicariously living through Ryan Finley under the pile of shittsburgh players as the clock ticks down? Seeing young talent develop and watching our FO work, On & Off the field?

Jay Morrison made a great point on HTPG, where we as fans, who have weathered much worse scenarios than this before, need to let cooler heads prevail. There is going to be no shortage of doom & gloom if you’re really out there looking to find it. As a fan base just because we may not make the playoffs does not mean our season is over. Personally, the Thursday night game has cascaded into an avalanche of BS about the Bengals and I see it everywhere (Hiding Injury, Burrows the new Luck, Logan Wilson’s dirty, Ban the Hip Drop, Same old Cincy, etc.). If I could roll my eyes any harder they would probably look like Cordell getting bull rushed by Baltimores DT. We should be focusing on the positives, supporting fans who are also dealing with all this fallout, and finding the silver lining. NOT piling on an already down team. I truthfully do believe the character, experience, personality’s, and blend of leadership within the locker room will allow us to weather the storm that has been this season.

TLDR: L8R H8R’S, Get in losers were pushing optimism the second half of the season 😎. My optimistic take, Myles finishes with 3+ Sacks, 4+ TFL, and Dax gets 3+ INTs along with CTB snagging another 3 and taking another step as a legitimate CB in this league.

  • FrescanationB
    10 months ago

    It sucks. We came into the season thinking Super Bowl, and the season is effectively over before thanksgiving.

    But…I’m a 54 year old fan who has seen a lot of seasons over by thanksgiving. The difference is that this team will be back and hungry next year, with the added bonus of better draft picks and (likely) a 4th place schedule. This team is still on an upward arc. Better days are ahead!