Hi guys,

I was just wondering if you were someone who had little to no grounding in tech as a founder of a tech (mobile app) company. Would you direct your efforts into CS/learning how to program or would you develop your business acumen / softer skills, potentially considering an MBA in marketing? I have no intention of writing the program but hope to find a tech confounder who would or at least be able to liaise with a dev team.


  • AkshatbahetyB
    10 months ago

    Really resonates with me, this question. As someone with a background in software, I’ve often found myself in a similar spot.

    When scouting for co-founders in the past, my main focus was always on finding someone who really understood what the customers wanted, and who had strong skills in marketing and sales. I felt confident handling the tech side, but having a partner who excelled in those other areas made a world of difference.

    One piece of advice I often share, especially for those looking to launch an MVP, is to consider using a no-code tool or an AI-powered product development platform. These can be incredibly helpful for getting your first 50-100 users. They not only provide a quick way to build something functional but also offer valuable insights into customer behavior and the potential business model around your product.

    For no-code development, Softr and Glide are some of the platforms I’ve seen people have success with. They’re pretty user-friendly and a great starting point for non-tech founders to bring their ideas to life without getting too deep into coding