With how well the boys have been playing already, it’s easy to overlook the treasure trove of draft picks we still possess. How do y’all think Presti will play it? Trading picks for a win now type of player? Or doing what he does best and running it through the draft? I honestly don’t know, but I’m excited!

(Also. I know the likelihood of us getting all 12 picks is low since a few of them are protected. Question still stands.)

  • allmyteamsdisappointB
    10 months ago

    Here’s my opinion, which doesn’t mean much. This trade deadline or in the off-season bertans will get moved. Next year he’s an expiring, so maybe easier to flip in the summer. Then you have lindy and Sarr as 2 way guys that I think will be let go, and lastly we may get a couple of moves like we saw with JRE where we flip some of the end of the bench guys for future picks to clear up spots. With all that being said I think we keep most of our picks and maybe package a couple to move up a few spots. We have seen that when presti has his eyes on a guy, he isn’t scared to trade up, but sometimes they may want more that he feels it’s worth (like I believe we were rumored to be trying to get up even higher than 10 last year, but it was steeper and he made a deal to get cason, who we can all agree is working out perfectly) , but as far as trading for a big star I don’t see it. There’s only few guys that I think really make sense as far as age and scheme for us, and they won’t be available lol. Bam, Barnes, maybe like a JJJ. So I think we keep them convert who we can to two way and keep the luxury of having future depth until something that is absolutely perfect for us comes up