Hello everyone! From all the reddit posts that I’ve read about online business directories, most people say that they were popular 20 years ago, or that is already too late to start one, or that you can’t earn money through them anymore

While this discourage me, I remember that most of these comments are from foreign people, most probably from the West, possibly USA

Until I worked as a remote SEO researcher& Graphic Designer for an USA based marketing company from Romania, I didn’t even knew what a business directory was…

Then I realised how small is the number of business directories in my country compared to USA or Greece even, from my research.

There are some niched down romanian booking platforms tho… and I want to give this feature on my directory too, with other nice features such as

Statistics, Advanced SEO, Price Requests, Payment for bookings, discounts to my additional marketing /creative services- live percussion darbuka ,videography, etc.

I want the services to be cheaper for individuals (local doctors, accountants, photographers, etc) than it would be for restaurants, hotels, etc

What was your experience in launching/owning/running an online business directory?

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out? I know already that I need to be patient in selling listings and not selling them from the start. Anything else?

I would very much appreciate any comment with your experience! Thank you:)