I just want to share a quick strategy that I have had great success with. I used to include a “Gift With Purchase” to incentivize customers. Mostly to our 200K email list, social accounts ect.

The problem was it felt a bit sluggish, I had to ship product to the warehouse, get it set up for pack and pick and make it work with the packaging.

One day a sales guy from a random company reached out and asked if we could send 40 bacon kits (we don’t sell bacon kits) to his top performing sales team. I said no but suggested him a good bacon maker (my biz is in food).

I realized me fulfilling a gift with purchase was kinda limiting and FREE BACON sounded good. I reached out to a maker and asked them for a promo code to add their bacon as a gift with purchase. It worked well.

How It Works:

Now I can just change the gift with purchase weekly with whatever cool product I see and all I do is when a customer buys a 3 or 6 box subscription, I go to the company’s store, put in the promo code they sent me, shipping instructions for the customer and send it. SURE I LOSE MARGIN, but the orders are $300-500 so paying $30 for a cool, perishable gift is well worth it and the other companies are happy. You can do it with cheese, booze, clothing, gadgets whatever.

Maybe think of a company who’s product your audience would love and ask them for 50% off or best free if you include their brand in messaging. It’s easy, adaptable and very low maintenance.

If anyone does GWP, what’s the most succesful one you have done?