
I have a Marantz 2220B that I have been using for the last ten/fifteen years and has been great. Needs a tune up but otherwise is a wonderful amp.

We recently got a new TV and even though we have a projector and surround in the basement, we have been using the TV for movies lately and we all know how the speakers sound.

I have been back and forth about a sound bar for the tv and and keeping the 2220 as it’s dedicated 2 channel. Lately I have also been contemplating these newer slimlines from Marantz as a 2 channel record and movie receiver.

  1. How do these slimlines paired with a decent (not expensive but not garbage) phono pre amp stack up against the older ones for sound? I could sell the 2220B and get one of these or…
  2. Should I just save up for a half decent sound bar and just stick with 2220?