I’d say in the last 2 years especially I’ve had to rewatch fights at least 3 times to really get what actually happened. Fights feel way more dynamic and not reliant on something obvious like a Kennen or Ori ult. If those big ults are present, they’ll only be a small portion of the fight, as it will be happening in 2 or 3 skirmishes.

Here’s an example from the final. The sequence of events leading to the fight are quite simple to follow, but as soon as it starts, there’s no way to keep track of everything that’s going on live. Everyone is doing different things and champions are flying all over the place. And this isn’t even a noteworthy fight, just something I had at hand.

I think it’s a result of lower cooldowns and higher damage, but also the top teams aren’t dying to 5 man ults anymore, so everything has to be used differently in less predictable ways.