its a real testament to how strong supports are that they have so much of an impact in the game. and i dont just mean how the enemy plays, though that does greatly impact the game, but more whether my supports actually like me.

as a dps, im well aware that in platinum i am not the main focus of supports (with a few exceptions) but its so noticeable whether my supports actually like me completely depending on how much they are willing to do to help. those few games where both of the supports are watching out and using their cooldowns on you are those games you feel unstoppable. and then the next game, you are stuck on 40hp and watching both your supports just walk past you.

also, from playing a lot of dps, its very clear that supports favour some dps heroes over others. sombra, genji and widow are much less likely to be paid attention to, whereas ashe and hanzo most of the time get pockets and heals

i seriously think support needs a huge nerf, they have the biggest impact, while also having the least mechanically intense characters.

  • prtxlOPB
    11 months ago

    and they aint gonna die if my ana cant land one good anti, and my tank is constantly purple