I want everyone to be able to play whoever they want.

I think technically every character depends on aim, but some more than others.

If you are soldier and have 0 kills in the first 5 minutes of push, maybe you need to swap(not exaggerating). I can only do so much as tank with 1 dps to help me. My healers are doing everything they can.

So i have a question. Why stick on a character if its clear its not going to work?

I was playing orisa, then they swapped to orisa, soldier, zen. And i was losing so i swapped in order to be able to help my team better. My dps swapped later to bastion and cass and ended the game 4/17. For the love of god just pick sym or torb so we can have something to benefit from.

I really hate saying these things and making these posts but every match theres always one person with an insanely negative k/d. 99% of matches are not based on which team is better, its based on who has the worst dps. And thats not even their fault bc the ranking system sucks.

Keeping that in mind. Why wouldnt u swap to a character to give your team any value? Im genuinely dumbfounded