I honestly think the whole staff needs to go, this isn’t news to anyone in Chicago. I think we have all been on this bus for a while now but this week made me mad at a coach for the first time ever.

I understand there are growing pains whenever anyone gets promoted to a new position with, but our own coach seems to not show the exact things he is preaching. Flus does nothing but talk about accountability and yet rarely does on his own.

Say what you want about other struggling coaches in the league, at least those guys seem to practice what they preach. Belichick talks about being tough and pushing through and he is a rock rolling down a hill to a goal. Ron Rivera talks about needing to get to the ball and that is the only thing that matters. First thing on the podium he says what he thinks he can do to help his guys achieve that. Staley talks about needing to take chances to make something happen and his play calling shows it. He takes big chances that almost always whiff.

This is what I am mad about and why I honestly would prefer Getsy, who also needs to be fired, to lead the team the rest of the season. At least Getsy says he messes up and says what he needs to improve. If you preach accountability as the main thing you are looking for in players, this is the bare minimum you should do. That kind of leadership will absolutely get you fired as a manager of Chili’s much less a NFL head coaching gig.

Okay, rant over, have a nice day gentlepeople.