I think we are on the cusp of a lot of interesting basketball. I think that people kind of forget that big men in the past were largely limited just due to the assumption that a big man should stay near the hoop and grab rebounds. That is all kind of going away. We are to the point where there are not even that many big men in the league that know how to play in the post. Compare that to 20 or 30 years ago, when it was mandatory and expected for a big man to hold his own in the post. Things are changing but the big changes always lag 10 years, because it takes that long for a trend to get established at the lower levels so that everyone is forced to have that skillset. Guys are coming up through the ranks now that are three point bombing machines after having seen Curry, Dame, Klay, and other show the value and how valued three point shooters are. Three point shooting across the board is getting a lot better, in my opinion, because of that.

Big guys are doing more and being expected to do more. KD was an anomaly as a near 7 footer that should shoot but now you are slowly seeing guys like Wemby slowly seep up through the ranks. Jokic seem money way too often from downtown with his trebuchet shot. You can even look at passing in general by. Jokic is the best if not near the best passer in the league. Draymond is a pretty decent passer. Vlade probably could have run the point. Magic Johnson was treated as an extremely anomaly rather than a possible trend. I think things are going to be changing with big guys a lot in the next 5-10 years.