Over the years, ADC players are basically used to the experience of being addressed very lately, often left with a dissatisfied, stale state of the role for a long period of time.

While we have to suffer through inefficient itemisation for standard crit marksman, being paper (one shot), having literally for one Split some defensive options like old overheal, BT shield, Shieldbow and durability patch; just to have that stripped off of us in the next Split, I really wonder what they gonna give ADCs in Season 14?!

So far, I do not understand why Marksman are always treated in a neglected manner, since patch 8.11 we have to deal with this! Just give us the same attention, for instance: look at all of the new fighter items and assassin items, and marksman are only allowed to see 2 old items and one new one, which is basically meant for champs like Kog or Varus… and btw, Gale was removed because of the unbalance issue, but it was created so ADCs could deal with the high mobility in the game, so why is Hextech Rocketbelt allowed but not a new reworked “Gale” item?

What will be the new suprise, the new twist again for ADCs to deal with because most of the time, new changes were merely a disappointment for marksman!

  • meloneeeB
    10 months ago

    shut up. adc have had the best itemization after fighers all seaon with various viable builds - crit, on hit and lethality. meanwhile mages had no variety at all for ages and now that they finally get something youre gonna complain? no. fuck off.

  • LilTempoB
    10 months ago

    The only ones I saw that I liked were terminus and blood song