Hello I just started a new construction company in Atlanta, Georgia where we do anything from handyman services to full home renovations. I just started the company officially and have no where to go and do not understand how I am supposed to proceed about this. The dilemma is not getting any quality clinets or even leads to generate any real revenue. I post ads on facebook and craigslist but I just get cheap people who want me to usually fix a hack job that their previous contractor did that was horrible because they want to go with the cheapest quote. Every other place that I see to post ads is very expensive and I am not bringing in no where near enough money to spend it on Angies list or things like that. I saw some reddit post talk about getting most good clients through word of mouth, but how can I even get started with that? I have business cards that i hand out to everyone I know and tell people I have a company. Every one is just trying to get un realistic cheap quotes and then most of the time not do them and I waste my time and my gas in my truck going to estimates that end no where. please any advice would be appreciated and used.
Good afternoon, you can think about creating content for networks, a good strategy focused on getting people to your business through viral content can bring you long-term clients, you can also use Google My Business, meta ads and a website, if you need help me with something I can help you
Thankyou for the advice I would definitely be open to further help
Thankyou for the advice I would definitely be open to further help