Please do not say “choose the one you like”. I dont want to choose something because I like. I want to rationally choose.
My background: I’m a physics student. I’ll use it for programming, editing and writing documents, and a lot of work on the go or on the public transport. I have a budget around 1000€. I would like to have the best for my purpose. Idc about looks or if its agrandma or a teenager. As long as its performing the best for the price. I tend to use it for the next 6 years without any problem.
My options are:
Macbook air 2020 M1 processor, 13.1”, 8gb Ram, 256 gb storage Cost: 770€
Macbook air 2020 M1 processor, 13.1”, 16b Ram, 256 gb storage Cost: 1050€
Macbook pro 2020 Intel i7 processor, 13”, 16gb ram, 512 gb storage Cost: 1040€
Macbook air 2023 M2 processor, 15.3”, 8gb ram, 256 gb storage Cost: 1099€
Thank you
Buy a refurbished from your local marketplace for 16/512. I know this is not the answer you want but other options are really not worth it in the long run.