I would say realistically strength wise potentially Doomfist or Rein, but Orisa made Doom run away from her (you can hear it in the dialogue pre game)

  • Tuna_ZoneB
    11 months ago

    If we’re talking in game, then hog, no doubt. He can just hide most of the BR and cherry pick fights/elims until the final 1v1 and heal himself + whole hog the last one left who will probably be injured already anyways.

    Lore wise, it has to be Winton, Winton never takes an L because all he does is win tons. If not Winton then probably Genji or Doomfist.

    In a reality-based scenario, definitely Sigma since he can control black holes and could just eat the whole world.

    In a perfect world, Lucio would win because his beats would be so sick that everyone else would stop fighting and declare him as the winner.

  • Jeraldis_B
    11 months ago

    Ana seems pretty underrated here, tho she would have to be in her own element (distance from opponents and good spot for sniping)

    Of course not saying she slams anyone and everyone, that is up to debate, but I think she should be considered more.

  • JoePinoB
    11 months ago

    Lorewise I think Doom, bloodlusted Winston and tapped-into-the-universe sigma sweep. But gameplay wise played at their extreme of skill, probably widow. Sniping is just broken in FPS Games

  • Scudss_B
    11 months ago

    Is deathmatch not a game mode? Play a few rounds of that and the answer will be obvious

  • kickme_nyaB
    11 months ago

    Lorewise or not lorewise?

    For me It truly depends, if It was lorewise i Would bet all my money onto sigma , he controls Gravity and black holes etc

    If It wasnt lorewise and just with ingame features, then definetly, a self healing character that can have a high dps potential,so lets cut out every tank except hog, every dps except mei , 76 and sombra , every support enters this range bcoz of their self healing passive

    Continuing with what was previously mentioned mei,sombra and hog r outclassed bcoz of their range, then probably most supports r out, mercy, weaver, lucio, brig, their dps potential is 2 los, then there is zen Who has a high dps potential with 0 healing, now, the discusión has been reduced to 76, ana, kiko, and illi, id probably throw away Ana even tho seh has some great abilities, her problem is movility bcoz she Will have trouble flanking, covering or running away from anyone else bcoz she doesnt have a movement skill, then id say, that i have a triple tie between this 3, soldier has the least self heal out of them, but the highest dps by far his ult is great for 3rd partying, his speed lets him flank anywhere + rocket jumping can get him to a variety of places, then illi has the most self healing, her SKILL can take her Up to many places and get her away from trouble, and the second highest dps, plus a great ult for 3rd partying again, and then there is kiriko, Who has the least dps but the strongest skills, by having suzu and TP, after that, her ult is probably one of the strongests in Game, outdpsing illi, so depending on the conditions given in “Game” id go with either of them.

    Im considering dps as for bodyshots and not headshots If we counted headshots kiko comes out 1st, soldier 2nd and illi 3rd, but as most of US hit more bodyshots than headshots i went for those

    Id go personaly with 76 or kiko