It seems like a lot of people are very mad because they placed a lot of expectations of a big patch and cosmetics on what was announced to be a letter patch and ended up being very disappointed. This is probably partly on the wording of that “after TI” blog post, leading a lot of people to believe something big was coming after TI shortly - although tbf that was to quench another outrage/fire at the time of the controversial battle pass. Reality is it’s probably a sizable patch + event release that they need time to work on - I’m willing to wait to see what it is before I judge if “Valve has abandoned this game and doesn’t care” given that they’ve made some pretty nice big and QoL updates the past year that everyone’s forgotten about.

Some people seem to be very mad about the lack of nerfs to meta heroes. To that, I would say that letter patches aren’t meant to completely dumpster a hero in general and we’ve criticized them for doing that in the past (ie: SandKing). While some of the nerfs I feel are pretty lack luster (Spectre, MAYBE Bristleback, etc), others were done with pretty solid intent and probably more impactful than the average person thinks (ie: CK -> significant nerf to laning and jungling sustain, Spirit Breaker -> keeps move speed damage to heroes, but loses ability to clear creep waves, and inbetween state for when he was completely unpicked and when he was busted). Overall though, I would say give it a few days before we jump to conclusions on whether or not it’s enough - I’m not nearly smart enough to ascertain the full impact of all these moving parts will have on a hero and we might be surprised what happens with the meta. Worst case, if meta isn’t impacted at all, they’ve released micro patch adjustments in the past - I’m sure they can do it again.

I know there’s going to be a lot of people eager to lay on the Valve apologist label, but all I want is people to be a bit reasonable instead of swamping the sub with 50 hate threads. With the way Valve works and lets their employees choose what they want to work on, it’s a sure fire way of losing what we criticize as too few devs on DOTA already. Overall let’s do our best not to get too unhinged and psychotic ok?