I’m getting really sick of watching Nikki. I was excited to get to see a trans woman on this show, but Jesus is she fucking annoying.

The constant pressuring Justin for sex is gross. Seriously, if this was the other way around Justin would get so much shit for constantly asking her for sex. The fact that she just changed his name for aesthetic purposes is wild. The constant pressuring him and pushing him is kind of a lot.

But it all just boils down to her constantly never be satisfied with things unless she is 100% getting her way. She doesn’t compromise. It’s either her way or the highway, and there is no middle ground. For someone who constantly wants other people to accept her for who she is, she never returns that acceptance for anyone.

You think differently than her? Too bad. You don’t want to talk about something? Too bad. You don’t like something and it makes you uncomfortable? Deal with it. It’s very hypocritical and getting to be unbearable to watch.

  • homelandB
    10 months ago

    I mean, this whole pretense of a real romantic relationship is just something for the show.

    Nikki is a sugar momma. Igor is the product she’s paying for. In this situation, it seems reasonable that Nikki gets what she paid/is paying for.

    Her real problem is that she’s continuing to make bad investments into the wrong sugar baby.

  • Just_Minute9316B
    10 months ago

    This is spot on. While they are in the car driving to his parents’ house, he’s telling her he didn’t like how she was rubbing his chest. She then says I’m not that person for you, you can’t handle this. She wants all the decision making power and for him to bend to her for everything, but she won’t make any concessions. Her mental state is so unhealthy, she’s unfit for a healthy relationship right now.

  • mothermurder88B
    10 months ago

    Ooh! Ooh! I’m first to make my favorite comment this time!

    The Nikki

  • SpritzLikeB
    10 months ago

    This whole thing is some twisted way of Nikki proving to herself that she is lovable. He rejected her 17 years ago and she NEEDS him to love her and doesn’t care what it does to him or herself. She’s obsessed to the point that if he does all of a sudden he went all in I don’t think it would even be fun for her anymore?

    The age difference is bizarre considering they met when he was like 17 and she was 36 which is bizarre on its own, then she renamed him? And the similarities between his looks and her pre-transition pics are disturbing.

    I don’t think she understands that the problem people have isn’t that she’s trans, or even the plastic surgery/looks/clothes. Her rotten personality is repulsive.

  • Tall-Cardiologist621B
    10 months ago

    Nikki’s kind of an asshole… im all for her being herself as a whole. But i do think she really berates Justin… i mean… his name isnt even justin. She hated his name and made him change it. I think hes genuinely trying and she just berates him.

    But also theres a time and place for flaunting everything, and a time for being more modest. Thats for anyone.

  • Electronic-Doctor110B
    10 months ago

    She’s tries way too hard. In every setting, she tries too hard to control another humans actions

  • Charly9902B
    10 months ago

    Unfortunately she fits the mold of so many Americans on this show: they seem to think the world should bend to them, and all their issues.

    I dislike how pushy and manipulative she is, the fact that she throws a stop every time Igor tries to lighten the mood or do something that is communicating beyond sex, like the park date. But that isn’t the worst part; the worst part is that she, as you say, treats him like an accessory to her rather shallow life.

    Whether Igor stays or goes to the US, Nikki is going to have to accept that being with him won’t fix her. She needs to understand that love involves peace, communication, understanding and patience. All the things she seems to think are good qualities in the relationship (his looks) are going to cause problems; how will she react when women 20 years younger than her are hitting on him?

    In Nikki’s defense, Igor doesn’t seem to be able to make up his mind if he is attracted to her. And he should do that fast and let her get on with her life.