Set her past mistakes aside, and this lady has been a great mom to Brandon this entire journey. Her concerns in the beginning were more than valid, she flew all the way out to them to be at the wedding, she offered an olive branch and her genuine heart to Mary, she was chill about munching on frogs, and she got real with Brandon when she saw him being in the wrong against Mary.

Honestly, she’s a real one.

  • oooheycait1223B
    1 年前

    She really has come a very long way, and has been incredibly insightful to both Mary and brandan. She didn’t take anyone’s side and was really the only voice of reason despite her past feelings of Mary and their relationship. And side note idk if she was trying to be intentionally ironic, but I was dying when she told brandan “love is not enough” after brandan and Mary LIVE by “you are enough” 😄