So I went to open Sleeper today and it won’t let me log in until I agree to new guidelines terms and new privacy terms that were posted today. While I normally have no issue with the in season app updates, posting altered terms this late during the season seems a bit unusual - these sort of terms are usually asking us to agree in the offseason/before the season starts, so I’m wondering why that would be necessary to ask us to do this again so late in the season.

I just watched that relevant Black Mirror episode yesterday and it definitely got me thinking that apps which do this multiple times a year usually implies you shouldn’t trust it. Granted that’s just a show, but it got in my head enough to where I always try to thoroughly read them now.

Anyway like most people who saw how long it is, they probably didn’t read them. I’m posting hoping someone read them and can give me the low down on what was actually altered. I’m a slow reader and already an hour into reading i’m only about 25% through it lol. Is there anyone out there that can help?