So I’m the most anti-blow this team-up poster here. I don’t honestly care if this team even wins a title. I’m not going to get a ring so it is literally irrelevant. I basically count postseason ball as a separate league for fuck’s sake.

I don’t want to watch a team of college kids get shit on constantly but fuck it, if this is the effort the team is going to put out there I honestly don’t care if that’s the only other option. I’ll take it. I’d rather watch DeMar, Zach, and Vooch play hard, do cool shit, and lose by like 5. But to play like this? This is just unacceptable.

Their only job is to be entertaining to watch. They get paid millions of dollars, more money than everyone on this site will ever see, to play a children’s game. The fact that they decide to not at least fullfill their end and provide an entertaining product is frankly unacceptable.

So if they’re not going to be fun then fuck it, bring in the teenagers to get blown out by 30 while they “develop” and slowly become headcases. At least it will be fun when they go nuts and start setting their cars on fire or whatever.

  • SolidSilver9686B
    10 months ago

    Damn dude, to see you of all people say this speaks volumes. Well said and here’s to hopefully fun times ahead.

    The one thing that really encourages me is AKME’s fascination with big, athletic, defensive minded players. I’d love it if we became a hustling team that gave people problems defensively every night. I personally fell in love with the Bulls watching Hinrich, Gordon, Deng, and Nocioni. They were young and frequently overmatched but they fought like hell and ended up having some amazing moments together. That’s what I hope to see again, even if they don’t win a championship.

  • implosionsinapieB
    10 months ago

    Demar specifically needs to take a seat on this team. Even among his biggest fans there is no one that truly believes he can compete with top 20 players in the league. So why tf are we giving him 25 isos a game?? If even demar himself knows that when we get to the playoffs he can’t hang with the giannis/tatums of the league then why are we still pretending. Give 100% of his touches to someone who could grow into someone that can compete in the playoffs. We are wasting time with this 35 y/o for no reason at all