I don’t know about the veteran players, but the Roadhog hook and one-shot is not only extremely toxic because of its easy method of dispatching an enemy in less than a second which is kind of anticlimactic for a tank, but also the hook and drag to the side to drop off a cliff. I get that it’s funny and awesome to pull off, but unless Roadhog is doing his ult, his skills make him a pretty cowardly and wimpy tank. At least Reinhard and the other tanks actually put up a fight. What do you think?

  • suguroryujiB
    1 year ago

    Funny coming from someone with a junkrat flair when I always found him more annoying compared to Hog. But really without his 1 shot combo he’d be useless like he has been for the past few seasons since everyone complained about it. He’s better now but still isnt too great its hard to make him work if the enemy team is decent and counters him or you know just play around his cooldowns and range.