After watching the Diamondbacks go on their streak this offseason, the Broncos game last night, then this MNF game, the blatant favoritism from announcers as of late is despicable and shameful. Last night Collinsworth sounded flat-out disappointed his prom date Dobbs didn’t win against the “lowly” (in his eyes) Broncos. Tonight, the MNF crew sounded heart broken that Mahomes and Maauto didn’t win. The Diamondbacks were consistently shat on during the MLB playoffs. Like, they aren’t even hiding it. I’m sure we got a fair share of it during the Peyton days (especially from Madden), but damn, it’s very obvious and distracting. Any thoughts?

  • GMane2GB
    10 months ago

    Al Michaels being moved from Sunday Night always bugged me. He’s the goat. Above cossell and Madden, who was knowledgeable but not a great sports voice like Michaels- and deserves better. I guess I May have questionable sportscasting personality likes but I also think Costas is a top 5 and is my 2nd favorite after Michaels.