With kkOma being the head coach + Tom as drafting coach. If T1 manages to re-sign Zeus, Guma, and Keria, the only achievement that Faker doesn’t have is the Golden road but with this possible roster, the Golden Road can be achieved.

  • SwagLord7B
    1 year ago

    T1 winning the worlds final might have been the final hurdle they needed to overcome their mental blocks. There really should be no reason for them to keep losing to GEN domestically tbh. If BLG can make work of them twice this year, so can T1. T1 needs to maintain their worlds buff is all

  • ausmomoB
    1 year ago

    The reason no one has ever completed the Golden Road is because it’s so damn hard. You have to be Number 1 across multiple metas and multiple patches. A single bad day can end your attempt.

    Having said that, I think this T1 is the best team ever. They;

    1. have the best Top Laner in the world
    2. have the best Jungler in the world
    3. have the best Midlaner in the world
    4. have either the best or 2nd best ADC in the world
    5. have the best Support in the world
    6. have Faker
    7. have the best drafts in the world (when was the last time we could say that?)
    8. have such a good read on drafts and champs that they get to define the meta
    9. it looks like their nemisis, GenG, have blown up

    If anyone can do it, this T1 can.

    Assuming they all re-sign.