This question is not so much about Wemby - who is playing great although there are still flaws in his game - as it is about Spurs, which has now lost nine straight for 3-11, vs the 6-8 start in 2022/23.

Based on the internet, the current win projection for the Spurs is around 25 to 30, which roughly implies that Wemby is worth another 5-ish Ws from last season. Remember, the words the fans use is “generational” and “transformative” - if we’re entertaining that kind of hype then we should expect nothing less than a finals appearance within the next five years or sooner.

But that’s just me. Taking into account the heady narratives surrounding Wemby, when and how do you see the Wemby-era Spurs returning to winning basketball? Next season? 2 years? more plus at least another all star trade?