I have reason to believe roommates are spying on me, for well, several reasons, n ever mind the fact that they’re getting myself and my elderly father to pay the majority of the apartments rent just to split a tiny room between us because we can’t currently afford to move out, I won’t even get into the even more ridiculous details and back story,

First hint was them knowing everything that was done and said

Second was the wall mounted smoke alarm

Third was the fing app in which several unrecognized devices showed up on her Wi-Fi

Fourth was all the cameras easily seen, non hidden

Fifth was the random Bluetooth attachments

Sixth was the device a friend got me which detected the inferred beam

I’ll include photos, we are originally from a well above average middle class family but most of which has died off and we ourselves too a huge financial hit during the previous years

I’m hopeful for any help on here as I cannot afford a proper investigation into these vultures who are subsequently chopping at my heals financially

Did I mention it’s a small apartment which they are not supposed to even be sub letting? It gets way darker quick

Including photos, I am eternally grateful for any help provided

Turns out no photos allowed but I have them