All I see is people quitting thanks to broken report system and shit gameplay patch where you first pick a spacecow, cya next year dota frogs, done with the game and sad to see it die like this, 20 mins que time for a carry role, random losers reporting you at start of game because they don’t like the hero you picked, commends frozen at 4650 for me for 2 months no fix in sight, good luck having to deal with sb ck wk picker’s first pick for another 3 months lmfao, and waste 3k gold rushing a likens when it makes no difference in the end after he rushes a ocarina

  • watts8921B
    10 months ago

    I love the game. I play mid. Sometimes you lose mid. (Someone has too) team rages and somehow you get 24 reports. Just for losing the lane.

    If people cannot understand. That a system allows 24 reports. For losing a lane is shit. Then those people are fucking stupid.

    I’ve never been below 9.5k and then was constant 12k.

    I play mid and my score is fucked fucked.

    People are screaming something must be working. But to be 10k for years and years. And then suddenly dropping below 6k something is VERY CLEARLY broken or being abused.