Have you watched any high elo at all ever? Stopwatch is a huge broken crutch. Some champions just get unmatched value out of it. Jax if he has a brain will counterstrike, do damage, stopwatch and come out of stasis with another counter strike and leap strike and get away. Akali same way, dive in blow everything, stop watch, shroud dash away.
That’s just two champions and it leaves little counter play when they get to become invulnerable with no counter play and jump away freely.
Pressing a button and going invulnerable is not skill.
Have you watched any high elo at all ever? Stopwatch is a huge broken crutch. Some champions just get unmatched value out of it. Jax if he has a brain will counterstrike, do damage, stopwatch and come out of stasis with another counter strike and leap strike and get away. Akali same way, dive in blow everything, stop watch, shroud dash away.
That’s just two champions and it leaves little counter play when they get to become invulnerable with no counter play and jump away freely.
Pressing a button and going invulnerable is not skill.