I gotta lock in when I’m in here and pay attention to what I click lmao
To survive this mess you truly have to be…
Homelander 🤝 cecil
Being associated with mundane beverages
It’s the only place where I can discuss the comics, i don’t know anybody else who’s a fan
tfw 20 year old comic
Also happened in 2021 during and after May 2021. Had to leave the sub for a while since the majority weren’t talking about the show anymore.
I honestly don’t know why people use this sub if they’re genuinely trying to avoid spoilers. Not gatekeeping at all, I don’t care who is on here, just saying it’s pretty much impossible.
I’ve read them all and I’m annoyed with how many spoilers people are popping out. I understand the comic is 20+ years old but invincible didn’t get popular until the show.
I’m trying so hard to keep myself not spoiled but it’s hard
I’m trying so hard to keep myself not spoiled but it’s hard
To be fair, it’s really hard to have a show only discussion since 99% of the questions or topics have a spoiler answer from the comics. Even something simple like “I really like so and so’s relationship” or “I love the character of X” will inevitably lead to “Well, in the comics.”
It’s like watching a movie you’ve seen a million times with someone that hasn’t, and they’re asking questions during the whole thing.
I even see a lot of “No comic spoilers please, but XYZ?” when the only way TO answer is to spoil it.
I refuse to look at comic spoiler posts, the way this show makes me feel after every episode is so cool, I just don’t get excited for shows like I have this one.
Oh hey, that ones mine!
You could just read the comics. The digital copies go on sale pretty often
And then we got >!every comment looking like this!<
I’m so glad I read the comics right before season 2 started.