Now that Worlds 2023 just ended, who do you guys think deserve the Dade and Zeka award?

I don’t know who Dade is but from what I understand, Dade award is referred to the player who should have some expectations but underperformed at worlds, whereas I don’t know if Zeka award is even a term but he did perform averagely in LCK and suddenly became one of the best players at worlds last year.

IMO, tho I didn’t watch LPL, I heard that Tarzan was rly insane together with Scout but he just didn’t perform this worlds. So I guess the Dade award goes to him? And IMO Oner deserves the Zeka award as he didn’t really perform well in summer and the first 2 games (vs TL and Gen G) at worlds. But after the C9 game he suddenly became one of the best jungler at worlds, and was even improving as the tournament progresses.

So what do you guys think? Who do you think deserve these awards?