Hi folks, have a question to ask.

I have an extensive knowledge and experience in product management. For more than a decade I was working on dozens of projects as product owner, product manager and director of product.

In recent years I was working on a contract basis especially with an aim to setup product strategy, build product teams and run complete overhaul of the product department. Which eventually led me to an idea to start my own business.

Now the hard part - the name. I was searching the .com realm and only available domains with “product” or “pm” are either with number or long. I ended up with pmlab7.com (web in progress).

Does it sound like a fit, or would you change it in a tradeoff of not having .com domain?

Thanks for your opinion!

  • SaleLoreB
    11 months ago

    Find a .com first. Then check if it’s trademarked. Otherwise you will get shut down before you start.