I mean completely brute force ways of making something so. For example, giving a champion +400% damage to monsters so that they will be a jungler. Making a champion not do damage unless they’re near an ally so that they must be a support. Giving a champion insanely long cooldowns and insanely good HP per 5 so that they will be played in a solo lane and not a jungler.
Or other non-champion things. Such as top and bottom towers having different stats than one another to force a bot-lane duo meta.
It’s like they have the goal of how they want the game to be played in their mind, and then they walk mechanical changes backwards from that to reach that goal.
Do you agree with this design philosophy? Or would you prefer to level everything out and whatever gameplay evolves out of the soup - if it happens it happens. Let the meta do whatever it wants.
I don’t mind when they ‘tweak’ champs to force them into certain roles when they start getting flexed in 3 or 4 spots, but re-working the game to force team-play rubs me the wrong way. Side note: the attempt last year to basically make jungling more ‘fun’ and easier by making damn near any champ viable was a disaster imho.
I didn’t mind the lane swap meta amongst pro’s I thought it made the play more dynamic and forced teams to react in real time. Doing things like making tier one turrets different just seems weird to me. I think they have a problem of trying to keep the game under control for the general public when pro teams ‘get creative.’ In many sports, the rules change from amateur to pro-level - maybe Riot could fix a lot of their play balance issues if the pro game was not exactly the same as SoloQ…
Shutting down things like Yi/Taric funneling is a good thing, I think. Maybe the pro’s can punish that but in soloQ it became a cheese strat that upset the game for non-duos.