That play last night?

That’s him. That’s who the player is.

Instead of criticising him, we should just not say anything.

He’s a good player, and while I don’t think he’s an all-NBA forward most years, he can obviously go off and do cool stuff and be dominant now and then.

He might be the best athlete in the league.

But look gang. 7 is always trying to look cool and do his thing. Winning is secondary to the guy.

It’s what it is. It undermines the team, but it is what it is.

We have to relax about him.

I think we’re going to trade him, without doubt.

Think about all the great moves our GM has made.

He sees what we see.

There is no way 7 stays on this team for more than 18 more months.

I too remember the early years thinking that 7’s mistakes were a young player finding his game. What I never detected was that this player genuinely sees himself as the best player going. And to his credit, there are nights when you say, wow, this guy is unfair, and he’s embarrassing the other team.

But, more often than not, he’s a double agent, cause he’s got that mindset but he does not have the chops to go with it. So he be screwin up this and that trying to “expand his game”.

Remember when Derrick wouldn’t pass it to him at the end of the first Sixers game, even though he just wet that step back 3 like 8 seconds earlier?

I was kinda taken aback by that even though I agreed with it. Like damn 7 was absolutely wide open, right there, and actually showing a shred of emotion and clapping for the ball, which got my eyebrows all raised. Like wow he really wants this ball, he broke character.

But then Derrick was like, no bro. Not now. I’m sure Mr. White also felt what we all felt when 7 took that step back. “ARE YOU SERIOU-WOW OK, OK, WOW.”

Because not only did White ignore 7, he then went through two more reads in the progression to get the ball in. Like after ignoring Brown, he went to Tatum, who was covered, and then instead of going back to Brown, who was still open and standing like three feet away, he threw it across the court to Tingus, who seemed a little surprised to be in the action but of course was quickly ready to fire because the man is simply always ready to shoot the basketball.

You saw last night why Derrick wouldn’t give Jaylen the ball that night. Obviously it’s not that he missed the shot, it’s that he couldn’t make that incredibly easy and obvious play to win the game. That was just some heinous basketball. It was like a QB throwing into double coverage in the corner of the end zone when no one is in front of you for a walk-in score.

Like bro it sucks living in your mixtape blooper reel. But that’s the dead horse we’ve been beating. It is what it is.

So look fellas, ladies.

We gotta chill.

We are good enough to win the title with him on the team. Even though he is a rally killer deluxe, we have enough talent and smarts to win games anyway. And of course, he does more good than harm half the time, so he’ll win us a few along the way.

Don’t hate the guy.

We’re eventually gonna have an amazing replacement and reinforcements for our troubles.

For me, that makes me feel truly secure about everything, because I would actually just cut the guy at this point. That’s why I call him 7. I’m done with the player. His highlights are incredible but I can’t stand watching him play. Right down to his little T-rex jog and his roll-your-eyes Constant Expressionlessness.

Like we get it bro. You’re calm. Well, good thing you’re in a relaxed mood because we’re cutting you to start Hauser. He fits the role.

I always wanted it to work out with this guy but I’m over it. Don’t let him get to you. I think he knows he’s gone too, and he’s ok with it.

We can absolutely still win the title this year even if he keeps doing all this same stuff.

We’re that good, and Jamal Murray has a hamstring.

Let’s all enjoy the rest of this amazing year. There is a lot to be thrilled with.

For instance - I absolutely love every other player on the team, and I predicted a 21-3 start and I still think we can do it.

So let’s try to just Case Closed it on 7 when he takes the time out of his busy schedule to lead us to L’s like last night. He’ll win some too.

At the end of the day, it’s a great situation - he thinks he’s too good for us, and we’re better off without him. It’s a match made in heaven, because it’s almost over and everyone will be happy when it is. It’s a sure thing.

Let’s enjoy this year and root for the fellas. No need to keep this cycle going with 7.